OCD Counselling

Living with the symptoms of OCD can be incredibly challenging and overwhelming.

Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD) encompasses a variety of symptoms and difficulties that can interfere with nearly every aspect of daily life. Whether OCD is a new challenge for you or something you’ve been managing for years, seeking support can help you navigate the tough moments and celebrate your successes. Our specialized OCD counselling services are here to provide the guidance and care you need. Whether you have a diagnosis of OCD or not, our therapists are here for you.

Illustration of a woman with grey hair trying to balance a box filled with random things

You are not alone.

If you're struggling with OCD symptoms, you don't have to face them alone. Our experienced therapists are here to support you through every challenge. When you’re ready, reach out for a consultation and get connected with a therapist who understands and can help you on your path to well-being

Definitions and diagnoses are tricky. Many people use the term OCD casually, perhaps not realizing that it is a complex diagnosis with many facets causing much stress to the people who experience it. But whether you are facing mild symptoms or have a diagnosis of OCD that requires psychotherapeutic treatment, we can help.

What is OCD?

According to the International OCD Foundation, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions, which can become so severe they interfere with daily life.

Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings such as anxiety, guilt, shame and disgust.

Compulsions are behaviours an individual engages in to attempt to get rid of the obsessions and/or decrease their distress.

According to The Canadian Institute for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, OCD is associated with severe emotional suffering and can seriously affect every aspect of the sufferer’s life: their ability to attend school or work, their self-care and care of loved ones, their family and interpersonal relationships, their quality of life, as well as accessing mental health supports.

Looking for more details about Obsessions and Compulsions? 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health:

Obsessions may look like:

  • Fear of germs or contamination

  • Fear of forgetting, losing, or misplacing something

  • Fear of losing control over one’s behaviour

  • Aggressive thoughts toward others or oneself

  • Unwanted, forbidden, or taboo thoughts involving sex, religion, or harm

  • Desire to have things symmetrical or in perfect order

Compulsions may look like:

  • Excessive cleaning or hand washing

  • Ordering or arranging items in a particular, precise way

  • Repeatedly checking things, such as confirming the door is locked or the oven is off

  • Compulsive counting

  • Praying or repeating words silently

  • Mental compulsions such as rumination or trying to “figure things out,” neutralising negative thoughts with positive ones, mentally reviewing things.

Sometimes individuals have mild obsessive or compulsive habits that do not reach the level of an OCD diagnosis but these behaviours may still cause the person distress. Remember that if you are experiencing these symptoms then they are valid. Getting support can help a lot.

Therapy can help with OCD symptoms

According to the National Institute for Mental Health, psychotherapy is an effective form of treatment for many people with OCD. A specific form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) known as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the most-evidenced based and effective treatment for OCD. ERP involves confronting the triggering situations and purposefully bringing on the obsessive thoughts in a controlled manner (exposure) while refraining from engaging in any compulsions to get rid of the anxiety, uncertainty or any other distressing emotion (response prevention). Over time, the individual learns they can handle the distressing emotions and that these emotions pass on their own - recognizing the fact that compulsions provide the fuel for OCD. This allows the individual to respond in healthier ways to their inner world and ultimately live life on their terms, not OCD's. Other modalities that may be brought in to complement ERP include acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and metacognitive therapy (MCT).

Curious about your OCD symptoms?

If you want to understand what you' are experiencing better, consider taking this OCD screening quiz to learn more about your symptoms and how they may relate to OCD.

If therapy is something that sounds appealing to you, it is important to note that you
do not need a diagnosis of OCD to get help.

How we can help

If you are wondering whether you have been experiencing OCD or if you need support to work through your thoughts, feelings and experiences relating to OCD, we are here to help. You don’t need a specific diagnosis to access therapy for OCD symptoms and you definitely don’t have to do this alone. We invite you to connect with us and learn about how therapy can help and support you in your healing journey.

We will work with you through all of the challenges of navigating your OCD symptoms.


Average Cost

$140.00 - $160.00 ( per session )*

*Lower rates may be available through our Affordable Counselling program 

Want to Know More?


OCD Challenge - free online program

BounceBack Ontario - a free skill building program

International OCD Foundation

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