Summer Reading List



Free resources

How to live in the present moment: 35 exercises and tools 

All this talk about change and decision-making can de-rail us and make it hard to feel grounded. Because of this, it is essential that we work on our ability to truly live in the present moment. We’d like to recommend a wonderful resource written by Courtney Ackerman. You’ll learn why it’s so hard to live in the present moment, what exactly the present moment is and why it’s important to connect with it. And the article is full of practical tools and suggestions for taking action to improve your ability for present-moment awareness and find more meaning, grounding and peace in your life.  

“ Sometimes life changes in an instant. We can’t always prepare but we can control how we respond.”

-Author Unknown

It only takes one step.

Sometimes change can be so overwhelming that it can be helpful to work with a mental health professional in order to work through what you are feeling and how it is impacting your life. If this is the case for you or someone you know, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

When you’re ready, we can help.