Cancer trauma: Recognizing the depths of the emotional impact

By Theia Jamal-Sunderji, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Cancer. It's a word heavy with implications, laden with uncertainty, and often accompanied by trauma. It's a journey that reshapes lives in ways unimaginable, leaving behind scars that run far deeper than the physical.

Navigating the trauma of cancer

Amidst the chaos of diagnoses and treatment plans, there's a quieter struggle unfolding – the trauma of cancer, both seen and unseen. It's the trauma of having your life abruptly rerouted, of experiencing physical suffering, of navigating a world that suddenly feels foreign, and of being thrust into a whirlwind of decisions with no time to process the gravity of it all.

Ask any cancer patient, and they will tell you that every decision, every treatment, and every prognosis carries the weight of life and death. The trauma of cancer goes beyond physical pain; it chips away at certainty, steals control, and is responsible for significant shifts in one's sense of self.

In the throes of treatment, the trauma often intensifies. Hair loss, changes in appearance, and possible infertility – these are some of the visible markers of the battle being waged within. But beneath the surface lies a variety of psychological challenges – the fear of recurrence, the anxiety about the future, and the profound grief for the life left behind.

Ask any cancer patient, and they will tell you that every decision, every treatment, and every prognosis carries the weight of life and death.

Acknowledging the multifaceted trauma of cancer

For many cancer survivors, the trauma doesn't end with remission. Cancer-related PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) can linger long after treatment has ceased, leaving survivors with intrusive memories, flashbacks, and hypervigilance (Leano et al., 2019). The mere sight of a hospital or the smell of antiseptic can trigger a flood of traumatic memories, leaving survivors feeling trapped in a cycle of fear and anxiety.

Cancer isn't just a disease; sometimes it can feel like a collection of traumatic experiences – from the stigma and misconceptions that surround it to the sheer terror of the unknown. It's a journey marked by loss – of health, of identity, of the illusion of invincibility. Yet within this, seeds of resilience can be sown, and from them can sprout moments of profound personal growth, illustrating the transformative power of post-traumatic growth, leading to newfound strength, purpose, and fortitude.

Prioritizing mental health in the journey  

In the face of such trauma, mental health becomes not just important but paramount. Yet, all too often, it's relegated to the sidelines, overshadowed by the urgency of physical survival. But the truth is, the two are inseparable – physical and mental health intertwined in a dance of survival and resilience.

As a society, we must confront the trauma of cancer head-on, acknowledging its profound impact on mental well-being. We must create spaces where patients feel safe to share their struggles, and where their trauma is met with empathy and understanding, not judgement or dismissal.

It's time to destigmatize conversations about mental health in the context of cancer, to recognize that healing goes beyond the physical realm. It's time to prioritize mental health in the cancer journey, to offer support and resources to those grappling with the silent scars that cancer leaves behind.

At times, the primary focus understandably rests on the person battling cancer, and rightfully so. However, it's equally crucial to acknowledge the significant trauma experienced by the loved ones and caregivers of those with cancer. Their emotional journey, though often less visible, is profoundly impacted by the challenges and uncertainties of the cancer experience, prompting a need for support and resources.

You are not alone

That's why organizations like everwell are stepping up to offer trauma-informed cancer counselling by professionals with lived experience or many years of experience working in the field. everwell hears, sees, and knows cancer, recognizing its impact and providing tailored support for those navigating its tumultuous terrain.

To all those confronting the trauma of cancer – know that you are not alone. Your pain is valid, and your struggles are acknowledged. And as you traverse this challenging journey, remember that your mental health matters – perhaps now more than ever. Seek support, lean on your loved ones, and know that there is hope, even in the darkest of times.

Looking for some support?

Navigating a cancer diagnosis, treatment, or supporting a loved-one with cancer can feel overwhelming. You don’t have to do it alone.

When you’re ready, we can help.

Book a free 30 minute consultation and let’s talk about it.