Mental Health and Cancer: Nurturing the Inner Self During the Unseen Journey

By Theia Jamal-Sunderji, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Therapist Intern

As a cancer survivor, just hearing that six-letter word used to send a chill down my spine, stirring up feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. But here's the thing – it's because of these very emotions that we shouldn't shy away from talking about cancer.

Changing the way we think and talk about this life-changing experience isn't just a good idea; it's crucial for our emotional well-being and overall healing journey.

The Forgotten Aspect: Mental Health

When you're juggling medical appointments and treatment plans, it's easy for your mental well-being to take a backseat. The external world becomes a maze of well-meaning sentiments, strength labels, and a whirlwind of decision-making. But lost in all this external chaos is the intricate inner world of someone facing cancer head-on. While support groups and resources can be helpful, they might not always hit the mark when it comes to addressing your unique emotional needs during this challenging journey.

A photo of a lighthouse shining in a night sky

Dispelling the Myth of Constant Positivity

The pressure to embody strength and maintain a positive outlook can sometimes mask the emotional battles brewing beneath the surface. Many of us grapple with a whole spectrum of feelings that demand our attention – mourning the person we were before the diagnosis, grappling with the fear of what's to come, and wrestling with the complex reality of our own mortality. 

To fan the flames, society often puts an enormous weight on staying positive, as if cancer patients should be unwavering optimists. But this expectation can be both unrealistic and detrimental. The truth is, confronting cancer is hard work and exhausting, and can be very scary, and it’s crucial to remind ourselves that it's absolutely okay not to have a sunny outlook all the time.

Shedding the Armour of Bravery

When cancer enters our lives, our initial instinct often leans towards putting on a brave front, especially for the sake of our loved ones. While shielding our family and friends from our pain is a noble intention, it's crucial to understand that constantly being the strong one can take a toll on us. 

Therapy offers a safe haven where you can shed the armour of bravery and be vulnerable without the fear of burdening others. It's a space where you can acknowledge your fears, frustrations, and uncertainties without judgment, and serves as a beacon of light amidst the internal chaos. Therapy offers an opportunity to navigate the emotional intricacies of the cancer journey, from confronting the reality of the diagnosis to finding ways to integrate the experience into a transformed self-identity. 

Just as physical wounds need time and care to heal, emotional wounds also require attention and nurturing.

Common Concerns Addressed in Therapy

  • Scan-related anxiety 

  • Fear of cancer reccurrence 

  • Body image and self-esteem difficulties

  • Fear of uncertainty 

  • Health anxiety

  • Depression 

  • Grief of loss of self 

  • Relationship stress

  • Navigating work and/or school

A Therapeutic Journey of Self-Discovery

The therapy journey, as someone touched by cancer, is not just about addressing emotional wounds; it's also about self-discovery and growth. Therapy acts as a filter, helping you drown out this outside noise and focus on your own inner journey. It provides a space where your feelings and thoughts take center stage, allowing you to explore your unique perspective. It's an opportunity to learn more about yourself, your values, and your resilience. Through introspective conversations and guided reflections, you can uncover hidden strengths and develop a renewed sense of self. This process of self-discovery can be incredibly empowering, reminding you that you are more than your diagnosis.

Looking for some support?

If you are looking for a therapist to provide some support through your cancer journey, at any point, please get in touch. We have therapists with lived experience of cancer and years of experience in the field. To learn more about Cancer Counselling, click here.

When you’re ready, we can help.

Book a free 30 minute consultation and let’s talk about it.